How long will Classis window films last?

The effective life of window film will vary by type of film, type of glass, window construction, compass orientation of glass and in which part of the world the building or car is located. There are documented cases of film lasting 12 to 18 years or more in some instances. This should not, however, be assumed to be the normal expected life span of every film. All Classis window films are warranted for a minimum of 5 years (certain products may have extended coverage). Please consult directly with the authorized Classis dealer should any questions arise either before or after installation of Classis window film.

How am I supposed to clean my windows after applications of Classis window films?

Windows applied with Classis window films are easy to clean without damage to their appearance as long as a few common sense guidelines are followed:

  1. Use a soft clean cloth, soft paper towel or clean synthetic sponge.
  2. Use a soft cloth or squeegee for drying the windows.
  3. Use any normal glass cleaning solution which contains no abrasive materials.

The patented scratch resistant coating on all Classis window films has virtually eliminated the need for any extra precautions in cleaning your windows.

Will Classis window films really stop fading of fabrics or upholstery?

There are six factors affecting fading:

  1. Ultraviolet light
  2. Visible light
  3. Heat and Humidity
  4. Chemical Vapors (including ozone)
  5. Age of fabrics and upholstery
  6. Dye fastness

Clear single pane glass of about 4mm to 6mm thickness will reject about 23% to 28% of the UV light from the sun. Insulated glass is slightly better rejecting 36% to 41%. Classis window films reject 99% of UV light from the sun!

Different types of clear glass and window systems will reject 13% to 29% of the sun’s heat. Classis window films can reject up to 79% of solar energy!

No window films can fully eliminate fading. It can, however, offer maximum protection from fading due to UV light and solar heat.

Will installations of Classis window films affects my house plants?

In most cases if a house plant is already receiving adequate light, the use of Classis window films will not harm it. In fact, if the house plant normally wilts by the end of the day, this means that the sunlight is too strong for the plant and installing Classis films will actually make it thrive better.

Can Classis window films be used on Low-E windows?

Whether Classis window films should be used on Low-E windows and how much you will benefit depends on 3 factors:

  1. Type of low E surface used on glass.
  2. Locations of low E surface in the window system.
  3. The desired amount of heat gain reduction/ heat loss reduction and other film benefits.

There are two basic types of low E surfaces on glass. One of these is a conductive coating put on glass as it is being made. It gives some heat loss reduction but does little t reduce heat gain into the interior. The second type is a more complex system of multiple layers of metals and conductive coatings that gives heat reductions of 30% to 50%. Obviously there will be more benefits using films on the first type. Please verify with the glass manufacturer to ascertain the types of low E glass that you might have.

The location of the low E surface in your window system is very important as well. If the low E coating is on the room-side surface facing into the interior, the use of window films may reduce or eliminate the benefits of the low E coatings. However, most low E window systems consist of double pane glasses where the low E coatings are sandwiched in the middle. In this case, Classis window films can be installed without reducing the original benefits of the low E glass.

The type of window films you choose for your low E glass depends entirely on your benefit aims- whether you want to reduce heat gain, glare control, prevent heat loss, reduce fading or enhance safety of your glass doors and windows. Consult with your authorized Classis dealer to find out more before making a final decision.

Will Classis window films cause my glass to break?

Glass breaks when stressed. There are 5 types of stress which may cause glass breakage:

  1. Thermal Stress- from absorption of solar heat.
  2. Tensile Stress- from the weight of the glass itself.
  3. Mechanical Flexing Stress- from wind.
  4. Impact Stress- from flying objects such as hail, baseballs and similar flying objects.
  5. Twisting Stress- from building or window frame sagging or settling.

The first type, thermal stress, is the only one which window films may affect. The use of window films will increase the thermal stress on sunlit glass. However, there are also other factors which will increase thermal stress such as: partial shading of windows from overhanging trees and branches, tightly fitting drapes or blinds, signs or decals on windows, heating and cooling vents directed at glass. In addition, different types of glass (annealed versus tempered, clear versus tinted) have different solar heat absorption rates and will withstand different degrees of thermal stress.

Classis window film trained dealers have recommended film-to-glass tables. If in doubt, consult your nearest authorized Classis window film dealers.